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Assessment Information

Georgia Milestones Assessment System

Testing Calendar

The Georgia Milestones Assessment System (Georgia Milestones) is a comprehensive summative assessment program spanning elementary through high school. Georgia Milestones measures how well students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the state-adopted content standards in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.

Students at the high school level will take an end-of-course assessment in the following four courses:

  • English Language Arts
    • American Literature and Composition
  • Mathematics
    • Algebra I
  • Science
    • Biology
  • Social Studies
    • United States History

These end-of-course assessments are administered upon the completion of the course and serve as a student's final exam counting 20% of the final course grade in the associated course. Any student enrolled in and/or receiving credit for an EOC course, regardless of grade level, will be required to take the EOC upon completion of that course.

Demonstrating Subject Area Competency (“TESTING-OUT”) - As provided for in amendments to State Board of Education Rule 160-5-1-.15 (AWARDING UNITS OF CREDIT AND ACCEPTANCE OF TRANSFER CREDIT AND/OR GRADES) adopted by the Board in April 2013, the opportunity exists for students to “test-out” of any course for which there is an associated EOC and earn credit for the course through that process. For more information regarding “testing-out” please contact the school counselor or system testing coordinator. Student eligibility criteria can be found here, under the section entitled Awarding Units of Credit and Acceptance of Transfer Credit and/or Grades.

*For information on opting out, please click here.